Sunday 19 April 2015

Increase your Sperm Count with Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the most ancient medicinal healing system, mentions specific ways by which the quality and the quantity of sperms can be increased. To increase sperm count with ayurveda, one must understand the reasons for low sperm count. These can range from stress, old age, diseases such as diabetes to wearing tight underpants, bathing in very hot water and obesity. Ayurveda has treatment for low sperm count which essentially requires maintaining the balance in the body.

How to Increase Sperm Count with Ayurveda

Massaging the body with oil, a technique known as abhayanga in ayurveda, increases blood circulation and sperm count. Abhayanga slackens aging, boosts health and increases the libido. Even the increase in the temperature of the testicles reduces sperm count. So, iprefer wearing loose undergarments, wash testicles with cold water and avoid hot showers and saunas.

Restrict masturbation and frequent sex, as continual ejaculations reduce the density of the semen. Keep your weight in check as weight increase causes hormonal imbalances which in turn reduce testosterone levels in males. Exercise regularly and stay fit.

Alcohol consumption and smoking affect the liver and cause a dramatic rise in oestrogen levels. This results in low sperm count. Eat a nutritious, low fat diet which is high in proteins, vegetables and whole grains.

Reduce stress by regular meditation and yoga. Psychological factors such as stress and strain are known to reduce sperm count.

There are some herbal remedies also to increase sperm count with ayurveda. Certain herbs, known as  bajikaran dravya in ayurveda are known to increase the sperm count as well as their quality.

Ayurvedic herbs for increase sperm coun

Shilajit:This is a powerful sexual tonic known to improve the sperm count. It has anti-aging properties.

  • Ashwagandha: It increases endurance and long lasting capabilities.
  • KohinoorGold: This is an herbal remedy to increase the quality and quantity of sperm. It is made up of a number of herbs which provide strength and increase the vitality of the body.
The toxins ama formed due to indigestion block the channels which carry semen and reduce the sperm count. Therefore, to increase sperm count with ayurveda, it is necessary to follow a good diet and stay fit. Seek the help of an ayurvedic physician for proper guidance.


Top Nutritious and Anti Aging Foods for Beautiful Skin

It’s human nature that they want to remain young forever. Young skin looks beautiful and the only way to remain young for long is eating healthy food because it protects you from diseases and prevents premature aging. What we have in our diet matters a lot. Here are some top nutritious and anti aging foods for beautiful skin.
1. Yogurt
Yogurt is a dairy product containing bacteria that is beneficial for the human digestive system. Daily use of yogurt in food helps to keep gut healthy. Yogurt maintains a balance between harmful and good bacteria. This keeps the stomach to function smoothly thus protecting you from diseases. Moreover yogurt contains calcium and vitamin D which gives strength to the bones and protects you from osteoporosis. As it is good source of calcium it keeps teeth strong and prevents it from falling.
2. Fruits
Fruits are important part of the diet. They are a good source of vitamins and fulfill water deficiency in the body. Orange and strawberry are the fruits that are rich in vitamin C. it is vitamin that repairs the skin and keeps it wrinkle free. Oranges contain a large amount of water in it which keeps skin hydrated and smooth thus protecting it from aging and keeps you young for long. Grapes are proving to be very effective for slowing down aging process. The skin of grapes contains resveratol which protects from sunlight damages.
3. Vegetables
Among anti-aging food to keep you young are vegetables which improve digestion. Roughage is very important for stomach to avoid constipation. Vegetable like tomato contain lycopene which makes skin smooth and protects from the effect of UV light. Cucumber on the other hand provides hydration to the skin playing its part in preventing wrinkles.
4. Whole grains
Whole grains
Whole grains could be counted among top nutritious food containing useful carbohydrates that keeps away diabetes. Diabetes is the main cause of aging. Brown rice, brown bread, oat etc is the main source of whole grain. It also improves the function of blood vessels.
5. Olive oil
Olive oil
Olive oil contains monosaturated fats. Cooking food in olive oil will protect you from heart diseases and cancer. Polyphenols in the olive oil reduces the risk of getting diseases associated with growing age. This natural product is good for hair growth and also prevents hair fall.
6. Nuts
Nuts contain unsaturated fats that reduce the risk of high blood pressure and maintain cholesterol level in the blood. You can use them instead of fat containing snacks. Nuts like almond is rich in vitamin A that is good for eye sight and walnut sharpens the brain and memory power. So eat this nutritious anti-aging food to keep young.
7. Chocolates
Most of the people think that chocolate is not good for health as it cause skin problems. But this is not true the latest research showed that chocolate contains flavanol which makes blood circulatory system healthy and protect from so many diseases like diabetes, cancer and kidney diseases.
8. Fish
Cholesterol could be fatal as it blocks arteries and is a cause of heart attack. Fish is abundant in omega-3 which balances the cholesterol level in the blood and makes you healthy.
Here are some foods that fight against anti-aging and which you should avoid.
First most is the sugar rich food. Avoid using added sugar food as it will lead to diabetes. Diabetes speeds up the aging process of the body.
Second thing is food rich in sodium chloride. Table salt is the reason for high blood pressure which causes heart attacks. So try to use balanced amount of salt and sugar in your diet to avoid diseases and keep young.
Adding top nutritious and anti-aging foods to your diet will keep you young for long. Be choosy about what you eat. So eat healthy to remain healthy.

How to Increase Height by Hanging?

Everybody wants to grow tall. Height depends upon your health condition and is also a genetic factor. Good nutrition helps you grow tall. Also exercise helps in increasing your height. Everybody would like to grow few inches tall. They try hard to do so.

Height increases your self-confidence. People like to be taller than others as they feel a bit superior to them. Height is an advantage in sports and in carrying out many physical activities. It is a sign of good health. People generally look up to a tall person.

People stop growing after a certain age. For men it is 21-23 and for women it is 18-20. It occurs shortly after puberty. Maximum height gain is during that phase. The hormone released by the pituitary gland is responsible for height growth. It is possible to grow up to 22 for woman and 25 for a man. Spine stretching exercises are good.

Hanging is one way that one can increase one’s height. Body stretch is always beneficial. Regular exercise helps. It is easy to hang. One need not exert oneself too much.

Tips for Increasing Height By Hanging

One can hang from a bar. Let all the weight fall upon your hands. If one does these 30 minutes every week one can increase one’s height or 1 to 5 minutes daily. It improves the posture also which if corrected enhances your height.

A wider grip on the bar increases the width of your back and shoulder One can hang from a door bar. Easy exercise and very convenient.Hang from the bar initially as long as you can. If it is difficult, go slow. Increase the time on the bar slowly. In the case of children lift them by the waist so that they can hang from the bar. Be ready to catch them when they let go off the bar A chinup is also good form of exercise. You can take the help of a chair to do the chinup. Hang from the bar with one foot on the chair. Once you are up, push yourself further with the foot, which is on the chair.

Swinging back and forth from the bar also helps increase the height Increase your self-esteem by increasing your height, and do this by hanging. If you exercise at the right age then you need not feel inferior about your height in adulthood. Hanging is not a difficult exercise. One need not go to the gym for it. It can be done in the comfort of your home.

12 Amazing Foods To Increase Height

Like if you do not have your short height and several ATTEMPTS A failed you in increasing foot, which can then help in height GAIN FOODS why not TRY! Yes, you Read it right! Work on You can Increase your height and by focusing on it your Diet and Exercise. Height is determined by genetic factors, but your growing stage During A few things you can to do to grow your Full Potential, One of which is eating right. CONVERT TO YOUR FEET HEIGHT FROM A lot of people only focus Cms on Work outs Like stretching and skipping to Increase their body's height. However, there are CERTAIN vitamins and MINERALS which are required by the body for increasing the height naturally. Due to lack of proteins and nutrition, the growth is Limited or very SLOW. So , improve the Supplement of proteins and vitamins in your Diet with these FOODS to ENHANCE height GAIN. For example, Vitamin D Rich FOODS can help Increase body's height as it helps in the Proper Absorption of calcium, BONE development and Promotes Healthy immune Functioning. Protein Healthy and Rich are FOODS EFFECTIVE Repairs in height GAIN body as it Tissues Tissues and Promotes new building. Apart from Vitamin D and proteins, One of the ESSENTIAL MINERALS Calcium is required for Increase height. Calcium Rich FOODS BONE improve growth and development. So, for strong and Healthy Bones, include calcium-Rich FOODS, including Dairy products Like Milk, cheese, curd etc in your Diet. Here are some Amazing FOODS that can help Increase your body's height naturally. Include these FOODS in your Diet to promote height GAIN naturally. Apart from these FOODS, also some exercises TRY Like skipping, swimming and stretching to Increase the flexibility of the muscles and promote growth height. MEASURE YOUR BABY'S HEIGHT 12 Amazing Foods To Increase Height: 


Rich in many proteins and vitamins is the seafood. fish such as salmon and tuna are Rich in Vitamin D and proteins, which Promotes height growth. 


Rich in vitamin D and calcium This is superfood. So, for A Healthy body and strong Bones, Boiled eggs as they are and make sure you include Retaining One of the best methods of cooking the eggs of the ESSENTIAL vitamins and Nutrients.


For Proper Absorption of calcium in vitamins and Bones, include Soy beans Soy Milk and Soy products Like. 


Rich in calcium and Low in calories, tofu is to include in your Diet for One of the height GAIN FOODS. Tofu is Low in fat, which aids Weight loss as well. 


 Seeds Pumpkin Seeds repair of body building new Tissues Tissues and promote. Also, amino Acids in the Seeds Promotes body's growth. 


Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Carrots are the Bones in A preserves calcium and keeps it strong and Healthy.Sight and also get help improve vitamin A Rich Skin glowing EYE FOODS. 


 This is Another Increase height naturally superfood that can help. Leafy Vegetable The green is ESSENTIAL Rich in Nutrients and vitamins. Vegetable and Others Like This green broccoli make sure you have in your Diet. 


Milk Bones Calcium is IMPORTANT for the growth and maintenance of strong . Acts as A Milk Rich in Vitamin A which preserves height BOOSTER and is also calcium. Recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of Milk every day it is.

stronger and Healthy Bones For Banana, Bananas Regularly you must have. Apart Form Boosting the height , Fruit is also good for the digestion and bowel Movements. 


 When compared with other animal FOODS, chicken proteins is of the highest Source. Eating chicken Provides for the Tissues and muscles to body building proteins. 

Green Beans

Green Beans Minerals build bone tissues, increase bone growth and improves blood flow in the body. To increase height naturally, have the protein and mineral rich green beans.


The product is Rich Dairy proteins and calcium. Apart from This, yogurt also contains Vitamins A, B, D and E which Promotes height growth. Yogurt is also good for the digestion.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Health Benefits of Dates / Chhuhara / Khajur

About Dates/Chhuhara / Khajur

Dates are commonly known by the people in India as Chhuhara or Khajur which has been used for years for eating and medicinal purposes. It was first originated in the regions of Persian Gulf which has now been widely cultivated in many countries such as Australia, Madeira, North Africa, Islands, Spain, Cape Verde, Sahel region of Africa, Afghanistan, Mauritius, India, Pakistan, US, China, Fiji, northern Mexico, Leeward Islands, Italy, Cayman Islands and etc.
Because of its lots of health and medicinal benefits is has been used for year as a most favorite and staple food items in many countries lime Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Arabia, Iran and etc. It is found in various types such as Hayany, Khadrawy, Barhi, Monastery Date, Maktoom, Medjool, Sayer, Thoory, Deglet Noor, Halawy, Khastawi, Saidy, Zahdi and so many.

Benefits of Dates (Chhuhara or Khajur)

Date or Chhuhara is very beneficial for the health as it is loaded with the healthy nutrients which have ability to cure, protect and prevent body from various health disorders like diarrhea, constipation, intestinal disorders, anemia, heart problems, abdominal cancer, sexual dysfunction, and so many. It is a good home remedy for gaining weight as well as losing weight.
It is counted as the balanced and healthy food gifted by the nature to nourish whole human fraternity. It has its own significance and importance in many cultures in India and eaten on a day after fasting to get full nourishment and relief for the digestive system. Some of its nutritional health benefits are mentioned below:

Benefits of Dates for Digestive System

Cures Chronic Constipation
  • Because of its laxative nature it provides a lot of help in curing chronic constipation. It provides instant relief if soaked dates are eaten in the morning regularly.
Promotes Healthy Bowel Movements
  • Chhuhara contains high level of soluble fibers which promotes the healthy bowel movements and eases the passage of food all through the intestinal tract.
Maintains Electrolytes Balance
  • Well ripe dates have good amount of potassium which plays very effective role in controlling the diarrhea by regulating the electrolytes balance in the body.
Improves Digestive System Functioning
  • Nicotine found in it helps in curing various intestinal disorders such as inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria, promotes growth of intestinal friendly bacteria, solves indigestion problem by stimulating proper food digestion and so many.
Reduces Risk of Abdominal Cancer
  • Eating date reduces the risk abdominal cancer as it helps in regularizing the digestive system activities.
Prevents from Colon Cancer
  • Its high level of insoluble and soluble dietary fibers acts as laxative and protects colon mucous membrane from the colon cancer.
Treats Digestives Disorders
  • Eating dry dates on regular basis helps in treating various digestives disorders including gas formation, acidity, bloating, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, heart burn and colitis.

Benefits of Dates for Bones, Teeth and Joints

Makes Bone and Teeth Healthy
  • Chhuhara provides bone, teeth and joints proper nourishment for the healthy growth and development.
Prevents from Bone Diseases
  • It is a super food which strengthens bones and prevents from all the painful and degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and etc.
Provides all Required Minerals to Bone
  • Its availability of minerals like selenium, calcium, manganese, copper, phosphorus and magnesium makes it able to nourish bones if eaten on regular basis.
Prevents from Tooth Decay
  • Its high level of fluorine mineral helps in slowing down the tooth decay problems and etc.
Strengthens Tooth Enamel
  • Fluorine found in dates also prevents from the plaque formation of the teeth by strengthening the tooth enamel.

Benefits of Dates for Weight Gain

High Calorie Food
  • Chhuhara helps in gaining weight among lean and weak people if eaten regularly because of its availability of high level of sugar, carbohydrate, protein, essential vitamins and etc which are mostly required to improve weight.
  • It also helps in keeping weight managed if it is eaten with cucumber paste.
Boosts Energy Level
  • Date contains high amount of natural sugars including glucose, fructose, and sucrose thus boosts the body energy level and removes weakness.
Benefits of Dates for Nervous System
Boosts Nervous System Health
  • Chhuhara is a vitamin rich natural food boosts the health of nervous system by stimulating the proper functionality.
Improves Mind Concentration Level
  • It is rich source of potassium which is mostly required by the body to promote the healthy nervous system as it helps in improving the concentration, speed and alertness of the memory.
Benefits of Dates for Heart
Keeps Heart Healthy
  • Date is very healthy for the heart too if eaten some soaked Chhuhara on regular basis.
Reduces Risk of Heart Disorders
  • It helps in strengthening the weak hearts functioning as it is rich source of potassium which involves in reducing the risk of heart disorders like hypertension, stroke, heart failure and etc.
Reduces Cholesterol Level
  • It helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood thus prevents from heart attacks, atherosclerosis and etc.
Benefits of Dates for Diabetics
Food of Low-Glycemic Index
  • As date contains high amounts of natural sugars, it is a food of low-glycemic index and does not involve in rising the blood sugar level thus little amount is safe for the diabetics.

Benefits of Dates for Skin

Repair Damaged Cells
  • Date is the natural source of B group vitamins especially B5 which is very beneficial for the growth of skin cells as well as repair of damaged cells due to free radicals.
Treats Dry Skin
  • Its vitamin A content keeps skin healthy and soft by treating the dry skin problems and removing dead skin cells.
Regenerates New Skin Cells
  • Chhuhara helps in regenerating new skin cells to make skin fresh, healthy, youthful and glowing.
Delays Early Ageing
  • Its antioxidant nature prevents skin from free radicals, UV rays and early aging and make skin firm and toned.
Improves Skin Texture
  • It helps in improving skin texture and makes skin smooth and fair skin if consumed regularly.
Provides Natural Glow to Skin
  • Date face pack (paste of fresh dates, lemon juice or orange juice) can be applied to the face skin for 10 to15 mins to get fresh and glowing look.

Benefits of Dates for Hair

Prevents from Hair Problems
  • Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 found in dates prevents from number of hair problems including hair loss, brittle hair, split ends, and etc.
Nourishes Hair Roots
  • It provides better nourishment to the hair roots and scalp and prevents from excessive hair fall, dryness and etc.
Makes Hair Strong
  • Chhuhara makes hair stronger, silky and shiny by providing full nourishment to the hair.

Benefits of Dates for Kids

Promotes Proper Growth and Development
  • As kids are growing age and need more healthy and essential nutrients for proper growth and development of their bones, teeth, skin, hair, memory, brain and other body systems thus it is good to give them some soaked dates on daily basis.
Improves Weight
  • It is good for the lean and weak kids to gain weight in natural way.
Enhances Memory Level
  • Chhuhara helps in enhancing their memory and concentration level.

Benefits of Dates for Men

Enhances Body Stamina
  • Date contains natural aphrodisiac property and helps in removing the sexual weaknesses among men by energizing the body and enhancing the sexual stamina if some dates (soaked in fresh goat milk over night) are eaten on daily basis. It can be taken whole with milk by grinding in the juicer.
  • To enhance flavor and taste honey and cardamom powder can also be added.
Natural Tonic for Men
  • Chhuhara is a natural and powerful tonic for all men in order to enhance their sexual endurance as well as cure sterility and other sexual disorders.
Improves Sperm Count
  • It contains some natural compounds called flavonoids and estradiols which are very helpful in increasing the sperm count, motility, stimulating proper growth of testes means size and weight.

Benefits of Dates for Women during Pregnancy

Improves Hemoglobin Count
  • It is very effective during whole pregnancy because of its richness of iron which is required by the body to maintain normal count of hemoglobin.
Cures Anemia
  • Chhuhara helps in curing anemia among women during pregnancy by fulfilling the lack of iron as well as removes feeling of fatigue, weakness and sluggishness.
Keeps Body Fresh and Energetic
  • It enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by increasing the number of red blood cells thus keeps body fresh and energetic as well as provide better oxygen level to the fetus.
Eases Delivery
  • Date helps in improving uterus muscles contraction and smoothing the baby passage during delivery time as well as prevents from excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Benefits of Dates Juice

Date juice can be prepared at home by mixing some soaked dates into milk. Mix both into blender and enjoy drinking it into a glass. Some of its health benefits are mentioned below:
Nourishes Skin and Hair
  • Date is a good nourishment drink to the skin and hair, provide better texture, smoothness and softness to the skin and hair.
Stimulates Uterine Muscle Contraction
  • Consuming date juice is very good to process natural birth as it stimulates contraction of uterus muscles.
Prevents from Cancer and Ageing
  • It is rich in lots of antioxidants and flavonoids thus prevent from cancer and early aging.
Good Remedy to Gain Weight
  • Chhuhara is good and cheap natural home remedy to easily gain more weight as it is rich source of sugar and carbohydrates.
Cures Constipation
  • It solves the problem of constipation as it contains insoluble dietary fibers as laxative.
Contains Essential Nutrients for Bone and Teeth
  • It is good for the bones and teeth because of being source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and copper.
Other Health Benefits of Dates
Prevents from Infection
  • Date prevents from the infections and disorders of various other body organs such as ear, eye, nose, and throat.
Prevents from Eye Disorders
  • It prevents from the night blindness, low eyesight and etc by regulating the eye functioning in order to maintain the proper eye sight.
Reduces Bad Effects of Alcoholic Intoxication
  • It is a best home remedy to reduce the effects of alcoholic intoxication and provides quick relief.
Prevents from various Problems
  • Chhuhara contains polyphenolic antioxidants called tannin which is anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-hemorrhagic in nature thus prevents from various infections, inflammations and excess bleeding.
Maintains Eye Vision
  • Vitamin-A found in it has antioxidant property and good for proper eye vision thus prevents body from early ageing and eye disorders including age-related macular degeneration.
Prevents from Free Radicals
  • It contains some powerful antioxidants and flavonoids including beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin which have strong ability to protect body cells from the harmful side effects of free radicals.
Protects from Cancer
  • It provides strong protection from various body organs cancers such as breast, colon, prostate, endometrial, uterine, lung, pancreatic and etc.
Makes Digestion Process Easy
  • It contains adequate amount of B group vitamins which act as cofactors in many metabolic functions such as digestion of protein, carbohydrate and fats whereas vitamin K act as a blood coagulant factor and bone metabolism.
Reduces Risk of Seasonal Problems
  • Chhuhara contains all the essential amino acids thus provides better nourishment to the body and prevents from seasonal health problems.
Improves strength of Heart and Uterine Muscles
  • It helps in improving the muscle strength such as heart muscles, uterus muscles and etc.
Reduces Risk of many Diseases
  • High level of magnesium found in it reduces the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
Prevents from Long Term Illness
  • Magnesium mineral available in it prevents pregnant women, athletes and people undergoing strenuous physical exercises from long term illness.
Loaded with Powerful Antioxidants
  • It has high concentrations of powerful antioxidants like anthocyanins and carotenoids protects from chronic disorders like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and neurological ailments including Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and etc.
Prevents form Seasonal Allergies
  • It helps in preventing people very sensitive to the seasonal allergies as it contains organic sulfur which reduces sensitivity.
Regulates Acidity of Blood
  • Date contains some alkaline salts which help in regulating the acidity of blood and prevents from gout, gall bladder inflammations, renal stones, hypertension, piles and etc.

Nutritional Benefits of Dates / Chhuhara / Khajur per 100 g

(Source: USDA Nutrient data base)
Energy: 277 Kcal
Carbohydrate: 74.97 g
Sugar: 63.35 g
Water: 20.53 g
Protein: 1.81g
Total Fat: 0.15 g
Monounsaturated Fat: 0.036 g
Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.019 g
Saturated Fat: 0.032 g
Dietary Fibers: 6.7 g
Folates: 15 µg
Niacin: 1.610 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.805 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.249 mg
Riboflavin: 0.060 mg
Thiamine: 0.050 mg
Vitamin A: 149 IU
Vitamin K: 2.7 µg
Vitamin C: 0.4 mg
Vitamin E: 0.05 mg
Sodium: 1 mg
Potassium: 696 mg
Calcium: 64 mg
Copper: 0.362 mg
Iron: 0.90 mg
Magnesium: 54 mg
Manganese: 0.296 mg
Phosphorus: 62 mg
Zinc: 0.44 mg
Beta-Carotene: 89 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 23 µg
How to Select and Store
Date or Chhuhara is widely available in the market in packed container all over the year. Select fresh, smooth skinned, dark colored and heavy weight dates packed in the air tight container from the market. Avoid buying bruised, unripe, bad smelling or having hardened sugar crystals on its surface and opened packet of dates from the market. Well dried and ripe dates can be stored at room temperature for months if placed in the air-seal container at dry and cool place. Avoid placing dates near strongly smelling things like garlic as it has tendency to absorb smell of others. Avoid buying dates having artificial sugar coating and stored using inorganic chemicals.
How to Enjoy
It can be enjoyed eating whole dates, sliced, powdered, soaked, mixed with milk, sprinkled to another recipes, with other dry fruits like walnuts, cashews, almonds, pista, cream cheese, fruit salad, desserts, juice, jallab (mixture of dates, rose water and grape molasses) and etc. It can be added to the homemade breads, muffins, cakes, cookies, biscuits and etc.
Precautions, Side Effects and Disadvantages
Eating dates need some precautions because of some serious side effects and disadvantages to the health which are mentioned below:
  • Dates are high calorie food which may gain weight if consumed in high amount thus should be eaten carefully by the weight conscious people and heart or diabetic patients.
  • Excess consumption of Chhuhara increases the risk of type-2 diabetes.
  • Some people have fructose intolerance or fructose mal absorption may develop some serious symptoms like gas formation, bloating, diarrhea and etc.
  • Mouth should be washed properly with water after eating dates to reduce the chance of teeth decay.
  • It is safe for kids and pregnant women however in case of cross-hypersensitivity to the birch family pollen, it may cause health problem.
How Many Dates/Chhuhara to Eat a Day
Eating dates on regular basis is good to health but best to be in limit as over eating may cause serious health disorders. Eating 3 to 4 dates on daily basis is good for the normal and healthy person however a person suffering from any health disorder must consult his doctor, physician or health practitioner to get prevented from side effects.

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Increased skin brightness Aloe withdraw the body from toxic substances cleaning the inside of the body. Which comes glowing skin and al...