Wednesday 8 April 2015

Top 10 Superfoods to Build Muscles

f you want to add more muscle mass to your body frame, muscle strength exercises are essential.Regular workouts will stimulate your muscles to grow bigger and help build the type of muscles you want.
But vigorous workouts alone will not get you to your goal. You also need to eat the right foods. The foods you eat for meals, snacks and immediately after workouts have a huge impact on how your muscles are building.
To build muscles and lose fat, you need to follow a strict diet plan. You must include foods that contain protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. Other nutrients that you need to build muscles are magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium, calcium, iron and different vitamins.
Here are the top 10 superfoods to build muscles.

1. Eggs

Egg whites contain protein, which is the building block of muscles. In fact, they contain high quality protein with all nine essential amino acids needed for optimal muscle recovery and building, as well as valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and iron.
Egg yolks are a rich source of vitamins, including A, E, K and a range of B vitamins like B12, riboflavin and folic acid. All these nutrients are essential for speeding up your metabolism and turning fat into energy.
Eat one or two eggs daily to build muscles and remain healthy. You can cook eggs in several ways like boiled, scrambled or pouched. Egg whites, especially from hard-boiled eggs are usually preferred.

2. Chicken Breast

Another superfood to get lean muscle is chicken breast. It is a great source of lean protein, which is easily synthesized to repair muscle tissue and other cells damaged during hard training.
It also has a host of other bodybuilding-friendly nutrients like niacin, vitamin B6, iron, selenium and zinc.
Baked, roasted or grilled chicken breast dishes are the best options to get lean muscle-building protein in your diet. You can also have chicken breast in soups and salads. Be sure to eat it without the skin.

3. Milk

Milk is another good muscle food. It has two high quality proteins – whey and casein. Whey protein is quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. Casein, on the other hand, is digested slowly, giving the body a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time.
Milk is also loaded with vitamins and minerals, good carbohydrates and fats that your body needs to build muscles. Plus, being an electrolyte, milk helps replenish what is lost in sweat during workouts andkeeps your body hydrated.
Drink a glass of skim milk after each workout. Some studies suggest drinking chocolate milk post workout because it has an ideal carbohydrate-to-protein ratio. It should be taken in moderation, though.

4. Salmon

Fish, especially salmon, is considered one of the best foods for muscle building. Salmon can help you build lean muscle and burn fat because of its unique combination of long-chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, B vitamins and high quality protein.
It also has other nutrients like magnesium, selenium, calcium and iron that aid lean muscle building, repair and recovery.
Eat some grilled salmon with a salad or green vegetables once or twice a week. If possible, opt for wild salmon. If you don’t like fish, you can take a fish oil supplement.

5. Quinoa

As quinoa is high in protein and low in calories, it is an ideal food for building lean muscle. The protein it contains is made up of all nine essential amino acids, which means it’s a complete protein that will help build and repair muscles.
Quinoa also is high in fiber, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin E, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and beta-carotene.
Plus, the ecdysteroids present in quinoa encourage increased muscle mass and help reduce fat mass. In addition, it is gluten free and cholesterol free.
Quinoa tastes great and is easy to cook. You can include it in your soups and salads and even cook it with meat and green vegetables. Try to eat quinoa after your workout to help build muscle.

6. Legumes

If you are serious about building muscle, you must include more legumes in your diet. Legumes of different kinds are highly nutritious sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber.
Protein helps build and maintain muscle strength. Fiber is essential for proper insulin response, which aids in absorption and use of various nutrients. Complex carbohydrates provide a more stable and longer-lasting supply of energy for working out.
Some of the more common legumes include pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, lima beans, black beans, chickpeas, lentils and black-eyed peas. You can eat legumes in soups or salads.

7. Sweet Potatoes

sweet potato
Sweet potatoes have the most concentrated form of beta-carotene, along with potassium, manganese and vitamin B6 that help heal inflammation in the body.
Plus, they contain vitamin C that strengthens the immune system and decreases the production of histamine. They also have unique root proteins that contain antioxidant properties.
Eat 1/2 cup of boiled, grilled or roasted sweet potatoes on regular basis to improve your immune system and prevent allergies.

8. Ginger

ginger root
Loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger is another powerful anti-allergy food. In fact, it works better than antihistamine drugs at stopping inflammation.
Plus, it can inhibit airway contraction and stimulate the secretion of mucus, which helps prevent and alleviate asthma symptoms.
Drink 2 cups of ginger tea daily. Also add a few slices of ginger root to your everyday foods and beverages for good health. If you want to take ginger supplements, consult your doctor first.

9. Collard Greens

collard greens
Regular consumption of collard greens can also help prevent allergic reactions during the allergy season. This green vegetable contains phytochemicals called carotenoids, which are known for easing allergic reactions.
Plus, collard greens are a good source of vitamin C along with other important nutrients that help boost your immune system.
Buy the dark-colored collard greens, as they have high carotenoid levels. To fully reap the anti-allergy benefits, cook them lightly in a good quality fat source like olive oil.
Note: As collard greens have high vitamin K, people taking blood thinners should avoid eating them.

10. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds, which contain selenium and omega-3 fatty acids, can help prevent allergic reactions. The fatty acids help prevent and alleviate allergies by reducing inflammatory chemicals in the body. Plus, it has selenium that helps the immune system work correctly and increases the action of antioxidants.
Add 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed to a glass of warm water or milk and drink it once daily. You can also sprinkle some ground flaxseed on cereal, salads, yogurt and other dishes.
Note: Generally, these are the best anti-allergy superfoods. However, if you are allergic to any of the foods mentioned here, avoid them.

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