Wednesday 24 September 2014

These things will save you from the flu in the kitchen

Flu Tips

But some things Look at you in your kitchen then you will find that the things proven efficacy in the prevention of flu that can be.


With the help of lemon sore throat pain and also does away with the sinus problem. Also clean your blood Meaux loosen the phlegm that is not the problem. Sip a cup of hot water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. You mix a little bit of red chilli powder.


contains antiviral substances that destroy germs. The stomach is proven effective in overcoming the problem. Ginger juice mixed in morning drink two cups of water. Also if you want you can also drink ginger tea. This flu is to get rid of the problem.


Garlic is rich in medicinal properties and is found in every home. Antifungals in raw garlic, Antiwayrl ingredients which contain antibacterial and immune system strong. Every day one or two buds with food from the flu survive by eating garlic.


Cuff for relieving honey with the juice of basil leaves is given. It gives instant relief from cough whether you can drink the tea of ​​basil leaves. It is also quite effective.

Mix veg soup

Due to weak immune competence that we are vulnerable to the flu. Soup made with mixed vegetables intake of nutrients to meet the body which is resistant survivors from coming in and we are vulnerable to the flu.

Black pepper

Ghee and sugar mixed with pepper lick off the throat opens. Eight-ten black pepper boiled in water to gargle with this water, it will be over throat infection.

Sweet potato

Antiakseedent elements necessary to fight the flu is consumed. Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of the antioxidant ingredients which not only prevent infection but also keep you healthy.

Drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with turmeric powder is off flu-related problems. Also on pan roasted whole pieces of turmeric grinding can take honey. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric Antibakteriyl and protect you from infection

Saturday 20 September 2014

Foods for Better Eyesight

You’ve probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it’s true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly.

But eating your way to good eyesight isn’t only about beta-carotene. Though their connection to vision isn’t as well-known, several other vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes.

Make these five foods a staple of your diet to keep your peepers in tip-top shape.

1. Leafy greens

They’re packed with lutein and zeaxanthin—antioxidants that, studies show, lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.

2. Eggs

The yolk is a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin—plus zinc, which also helps reduce your macular degeneration risk, according to Paul Dougherty, MD, medical director of Dougherty Laser Vision in Los Angeles.

3. Citrus and berries

These fruits are powerhouses of vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.

4. Almonds

They’re filled with vitamin E, which slows macular degeneration, research shows. One handful (an ounce) provides about half of your daily dose of E.

5. Fatty fish

Tuna, salmon, mackerel, anchovies and trout are rich in DHA, a fatty acid found in your retina—low levels of which have been linked to dry eye syndrome, says Jimmy Lee, MD, director of refractive surgery at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City.

What does your Acne reveal about your health

It is believed in Chinese Medicine that acne that flares up on different parts of your face represents health problems on different parts of your body. It’s like this part of your face corresponds to this organ. To know what conditions you’re suffering from, just look at where your acne is.

Upper Forehead

Affects: Digestive System and Bladder
What to do:
  • Drinking water helps to flush out the toxins in your body, so boost your water intake and have a look at the foods you are eating.
  • Minimize intake of fizzy drinks and high caffeinated drinks. Also look at switching to herbal teas, especially green tea!
  • Consume less chocolate, cakes, lemonade and Coke, drink more mineral water without gas. Eat food that helps eliminate toxins from the body: boiled cabbage, and baked apples.
  • Go to bed early (10pm) and wake up early (6am). Even if you can’t fall asleep. it’s good to relax so your liver can rest and be ready for work the next day
  • 20-30 minutes of light exercise every day, especially outdoors
  • Practice relaxation techniques to worry less
  • Better hygiene (washing hair, hats)
  • Green Tea, lemon water and berries can also help as these are antioxidant rich foods

Lower Forehead

Affects: Heart
Your heart is a massive organ that pumps blood all over your body. If it’s stressed out due to poor diet, inactivity and various mental and physical stresses, then not only are you likely to get pimples on your lower forehead, your entire body will be doomed if you don’t fix the problems. Having a healthy heart means to do regular exercises to strengthen the heart, as well as eat a healthy diet, and keeping stresses low.
What to do:
  • Try to exercise regularly
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water
  • Eat healthy, preferably low cholesterol, high fiber diet
  • Quit smoking


Affects: Kidneys
When kidneys are not taken care of, you’ll find these large, painful pimples on your ears that refuses to leave no matter what.
What to do:
  • Increase water intake
  • Avoiding eating too much salty food, caffeine
  • cleanse your kidneys with diuretics like parsley and water

 Eyes, orbital area and between the Eyebrows

Affects: Liver
Oiliness, redness, flakiness and pimples between the eyebrows can indicate that your liver may have been overworking and need a cleansing.
What to do:
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with high content of vitamin C (kiwi, sweet pepper, oranges) will help in providing you with a good mood.
  • Try to avoid eating late at night; especially right before bedtime as your body will not break down the food as effectively, leading to a toxin build up.
  • Cut back on fatty, sugary, greasy and rich foods, alcohol and diary, particularly if you’re lactose intolerant.
  • Some of the best foods to cleanse your liver include garlic, grapefruit, green tea, carrots, beets, leafy green vegetables, lemons and lime.

 Upper Cheeks

Affects: Lungs and Respiratory System
Stresses to the lungs is likely to cause flare ups in the upper cheeks and even break your capillaries. These stresses include smoking, asthma, allergies, and lung infections.
What to do:
  • Avoid smoking and passive smoking
  • Exercise
  • Avoid polluted area

Lower Cheeks

Affects: Gum or Teeth Problems
Gum or teeth problems may contribute to acne in the lower cheeks area.
What to do:
  • Hygiene:
    • Change your pillowcase at least once a week, and wipe down your phone with an antibacterial wipe every few days.
    • Always keep on top of your dental health, brushing, mouthwash and flossing twice a day and regular check ups at the dentist at least twice a year! Don’t just wait until you have a dental problem to make an appointment.
  • Food:
    • Foods great for healthier lungs include, kale, sprouts and pumpkin.
    • Include fresh vegetables, oatmeal and brown rice in your diet.
    • Eat more cooling foods such as gourds, winter melons, and green beans
    • Don’t overeat
    • Avoid fast food and junk food, artificial sugar and sodas
    • Avoid mango, taro root, wine, and seafood or other foods you may be sensitive to
    • Eat less sugar

Sides of the Chin

Affects: Hormones and Genitals
This may affect a lot of girls. When sides of the chin often flare up, it’s a sign of hormonal imbalance, often caused by menstruation. Sometimes, even emotional or physical stress can cause hormonal imbalances. There are also herbs that can help balance hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola and milk thisle. Green tea is also a brilliant anti-androgen.
What to do:
  • Reduce the habit of eating before bed
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Get more rest and sleep
  • Get 20 minutes of exercise each day and massage your body for relaxation
  • Sleep early and wake up early
  • Try herbs that can help balance hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola and milk thisle. Green tea is also a brilliant anti-androgen.

5 reasons to eat more eggs

Eating more eggs is a fantastic way to give yourself a health boost.Eating whole eggs is vital: the goodness of eggs is found in the yolk (containing over 90 percent of an egg’s calcium and iron) and the white (containing almost half the egg’s protein). If you’re not eating eggs regularly, here are five reasons why you should.

1. Get your vitamins

One little egg is packed with several vitamins essential to your health:

• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which helps your body to break down food into energy
• Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vital for producing red blood cells 
• Vitamin A (retinol), which is great for your eyesight 
• Vitamin E (tocopherol), which fights off the free radicals that can cause tissue and cellular damage, which may lead to cancer 

Vitamins A and B2 are also important for growth—so make sure your kids are eating eggs regularly, too.

2. Boost your weight loss

Did you know that eating eggs can help you lose weight? This might come as a surprise to those who think of eggs as “fattening” or “unhealthy”—but a study carried out by the Rochester Center for Obesity Research found that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day, by more than 400 calories. That means you could lose three pounds or more per month.

This is probably because eggs keep you full for longer—meaning you’re less likely to succumb to a mid-morning snack or stuff yourself at lunchtime. And although eggs contain cholesterol, this is “dietary cholesterol”—different from the “blood cholesterol” in your body. Despite the health recommendations of the past, there's no evidence that eating eggs will increase your blood cholesterol levels.

3. Take in essential minerals

Eggs are packed with iron, zinc and phosphorus—minerals that are vital for your body. Women need plenty of iron due to menstruation, and not getting enough could leave you feeling tired, run down and grumpy. Zinc keeps your immune system in top form and helps your body turn food into energy. Phosphorus is important for healthy bones and teeth.

And, as a bonus, there are some trace elements (minerals you need in small amounts) in eggs: iodine, required to make thyroid hormones, and selenium, an antioxidant that can help cut your risk of cancer.

4. Indulge in low-calorie protein

One medium egg contains just 70 to 85 calories—and about 6.5 grams of protein. That means three eggs (210 to 255 calories) provide 19.5 grams of protein: the average woman needs about 50 grams a day, so that’s almost half of your daily intake. (Actual protein needs depend on your weight and level of activity; talk to your doctor to get specific requirements for you.)

Eating a three-egg Spanish omelette, or three scrambled or poached eggs on toast, will keep you full for hours.

5. Prevent breast cancer

  • 6 healthy fruit smoothie recipes
  • 10 ways to cut your cancer risk
Research by Harvard University in 2003 found that eating eggs as an adolescent could help prevent breast cancer as an adult. In 2005, another study showed that women eating at least six eggs per week had a 44 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who ate two or fewer eggs each week.

In April 2008, researchers from the University of North Carolina found that choline (present in egg yolks) can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 24 percent. An egg yolk contains 125.5 milligrams of choline, about a quarter of the recommended daily intake, so just two poached eggs for breakfast provies half your choline for the day.

Diet Chart for Weight Loss

For a healthy and fit body you need to rely on physical activities, especially exercises. Regular workout keeps you fit and healthy. However, if you are overweight you need to lose weight through exercises and adopting a diet chart for weight loss. You will have to follow a diet chart for weight loss along with your workout regime and stick to it. The weight loss diet chart can have foods that's you like however only the healthier ones. A healthy diet chart helps you regulate your calorie intake. Following your weight loss chart, not only you eat the amount of food that you actually need, you always get to eat healthy foods.

diet chart

By specifying your activities and calorie intake during the day, the list gives you a good idea of what you must eat to be on track. You may also use a diet chart for weight loss available in the market or on the internet, though an individual-specific diet chart would be the best bet, especially if you have a medical condition.

Following is an example of a general diet chart for weight loss that will help you get started right away. However you can create a diet chart including other healthy and fiber rich foods you like that are low on fat and calories. Make sure, you actually follow the diet chat for as you intend to follow it to achieve your goals.

Early Morning (6:30 - 8:00 am):

Start your day with exercises. It will not only help you burn some calories, but you will also be able to stay active throughout the day, burning even more calories. After your workout add a cup of tea or coffee made from low fat skimmed milk. You can have a couple of fiber rich biscuits with it. Preferably, start your day with a small bowl of cereals.

Brunch (10:30 - 11:30 am):

Weight loss doesn't have to come from hunger. Instead it is best to eat something healthy at quick intervals. Before you feel hungry for your lunch, treat yourself with a fresh fruit such as an apple or orange. Keep shuffling your fruit during the week so that you get all the minerals and vitamins during the week.

Lunch (1:00 - 2:00 p.m.):

Eat a healthy but light lunch that is low of fat and calories. You can also drink a glass of water around 20 minutes before your lunch. It will reduce your hunger and keep you from over eating.

Evening (4:00 - 6:00 p.m.):

You can have a cup of tea or coffee along with healthy snacks. However make sure you avoid sodas and sugary beverages that may appear tempting at this of the day.

Dinner (7:00 - 8:00 p.m.):

Drink a glass of water around 15 minutes before you intend to have your dinner. Now it's time for a light and healthy meal that is full of nutritional content. You can mention different low calorie dishes for dinner on different days of the week.

Post Dinner (10:00 - 10:30 p.m.):

A couple of slices of a fresh fruit like apple or papaya. You can switch your fruits daily.

Benefits of following a diet chart for weight loss

 1. Helps you lose weight

One of the most important benefits of following a diet chart is achieving the goal you had set for yourself.  It helps your stay focused on your goal and gradually loses the extra kilos. Your diet chart allows you to have full control on what you eat.

 2. Healthy lifestyle

As everything unhealthy is absent from your diet chart you get to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, eating predetermined foods at fixed time will help you develop good eating habit. It will help you stay healthy and avoid several health problems on the longer run.

 3. Balanced Nutrition

A diet chart evens out the nutritive needs of one's body, thereby keeping your metabolism functioning swiftly. You can plan the amount of nutrition and the source beforehand.

4. You can customize the diet chart for yourself

Diet charts for weight loss can vary for individuals. It allows you to include the food of your preference. However there cannot be a compromise with the calorie and health quotient of the diet. Moreover you can prepare a different diet chart to reduce weight in a week, 10 days, a month or more. However it is always recommended to adopt a long-term weight loss plan, so that the healthy food and exercise regimes become a healthy lifestyle.

 5. Information on Healthful Foods

The low calorie foods listed on the diet chart gives information about the healthful foods that they need to eat. The information on which food is high in protein but low in fat and cholesterol is not widespread, but a list of such foods is usually present on weight loss diet charts.

 6. Preparation of Balanced Diet

 A diet chart would help you make a balanced diet plan which would include all the six important nutrients in their right proportion. They are fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, proteins and fibers.

 To make sure the diet chart works best in helping you attain your weight loss goals, plot the chart only once a week and make comments on how far you have progressed and what more needs to be done. You can always refer to the chart as the weeks pass by which is another important feature of such a weight loss.

What Are the Health Benefits of Kali Mirch?

What Are the Health Benefits of Kali Mirch?

Kali mirch contains piperine, a cancer-fighting compound.
Kali mirch contains piperine, a cancer-fighting compound.
While you might not immediately recognize the name kali mirch, you likely have it sitting on your dinner table. Kali mirch is simply an alternative name for black peppercorn, or black pepper, a staple seasoning in a variety of cuisines. Using kali mirch in your cooking offers a range of health benefits, because it contains essential nutrients your tissues need to function, and it also contains phytonutrients that fight disease.
Evaluate your Hair loss and know scope of curability with Homeopathy


Kali mirch serves as a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber makes what you eat more filling by absorbing water in your digestive tract to physically fill your stomach. As a result, fiber-rich foods tend to help stave off hunger between meals. Dietary fiber also helps prevent digestive disorders, such as constipation, and helps lower your risk of heart disease. Using 2 tablespoons of kali mirch in your cooking boosts your fiber intake by 3.5 grams, and provides 9 percent of the daily fiber intake requirements for men and 14 percent for women, as set by the Institute of Medicine.

Vitamin K

Consuming kali mirch also helps you reach your recommended daily vitamin K intake. Each 2-tablespoon serving of kali mirch contains 23 micrograms of vitamin K, which is 26 percent of the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily intake for women and 18 percent for men. The main role of vitamin K involves blood coagulation -- it allows your body to form blood clots needed to prevent or stop bleeding. Getting enough vitamin K in your diet also promotes healthy cell growth and supports your skeletal health.

Manganese and Copper

Kali mirch also contains essential minerals, providing a considerable amount of manganese and copper. You need both minerals for a healthy metabolism. Manganese helps your body break down nutrients, while copper aids in energy production. Manganese and copper contribute to the health of your cartilage and bone tissue, and copper also promotes nervous system health. A 2-tablespoon serving of kali mirch boasts 1.8 milligrams of manganese and 184 micrograms of copper. This provides 20 percent of the daily recommended copper intake established by the Institute of Medicine, as well as 78 percent of the daily recommended manganese intake for men, and the entire daily recommended intake for women.


Adding kali mirch to your cooking also ups your intake of piperine, a phytonutrient abundant in black pepper. Piperine has an effect on gene activity in your cells, and consuming piperine helps fight cancer growth and development. One study, published in "Food Chemistry" in 2013, found that piperine reduces the activity of HER2, a gene that drives the growth of breast cancer cells. And according to a study published in "PLoS One" in 2013, piperine promotes the death of prostate cancer cells, and it helps prevent the spread of cancer by inactivating genes that prostate cancer cells need to invade other tissue.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Delicious Foods to Make in a Blender

Delicious Foods to Make in a Blender
When it comes to the delicious foods to make in a blender, it’s easy to stuck in a rut. While those healthy smoothies and tasty shakes are incredible, your blender is perfect for a great number of other healthy and delicious dishes. Just a little creativity and a few ingredients, and you will make a great variety of savory meals in a jiff. Here are a few super delicious foods you can try to make in your blender.

1. Vegan ice cream

Vegan ice cream
If you are vegan, you may look for ways to make a non-dairy ice cream alternative. The great news is, you can make your ice cream in your blender. People with dairy allergies and vegans blend up frozen bananas to get a rich and creamy non-diary ice cream. Even if you are not vegan, give it a try. You will like it, I promise!

2. Guacamole

Latin cuisine wouldn’t be complete without guacamole. It’s so easy to make a delicious, creamy guacamole in a blender. Guacamole is an excellent source of healthy fat, so why not add it to your eating plan? Just blend half of the guacamole, and then mix in some fresh chunks of avocado and enjoy!

3. Salad dressings

Salad dressings
Are you still purchasing jarred or bottled salad dressings? Kick this habit! Store bought salad dressings are loaded with preservatives and refined oils, and they are among the most processed foods to consume. Start making your own salad dressings in a blender and you will see and feel the difference. There are so many incredible recipes online that you will never get bored.

4. Hummus

One of the most popular and delicious foods you can eat these days is definitely hummus. Hummus makes a healthy snack for adults and children, and it’s an easy way to incorporate more veggies into your snack time. Grab your blender and start blending up chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, and a little tahini. You will have a delicious, homemade hummus in a jiff!

5. Pureed soups

Pureed soups
One of the most delicious foods that you can make in your blender is a pureed soup. After a hard day at work all you want to do is to relax and eat some comfort food. I’m sure you don’t want to spend the whole evening cooking something for dinner, but you do want to eat something healthy and nutritious. Use your blender to make pureed vegetable soups; from roasted red pepper and carrot to cream of mushroom, there are plenty of healthy pureed soup recipes to try.

6. Salsa

Just like salad dressings, store bought jarred and bottled salsas usually contain preservatives, refined oils, and MSG, a well-known hunger-inducing chemical. Start making your own healthy salsa instead. Simply blend up tomatoes, onions, some lime juice, a little cilantro, and some spicy peppers if you like, and ta-da! You’ve just made a much healthier salsa at home!

7. Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce
Jarred and canned tomato sauces are high in refined oils and sugar. Avoid consuming the artificial, diabetes-inducing ingredients and try making your own homemade tomato sauce. Blend up some fresh tomatoes, basil and garlic to get a simple yet tasty sauce that you can use in your favorite meals.

10 Delicious Ingredients to Add to Your Morning Smoothie

Delicious Ingredients to Add to Your Morning Smoothie
When it comes to smoothies, it can be difficult to choose delicious ingredients to add to your morning smoothie. While a green smoothie, strawberry and mango smoothie and banana and strawberry smoothie are all great options, sometimes you may want to try something more unique and more delicious. Your morning smoothies never have to get boring since the possibilities are endless and there are many yummy ingredients to use. Check out the list of seven delicious ingredients you can add to your morning smoothie. Get creative and make a new breakfast smoothie each day.

1. Fresh mint

Fresh mint
Fresh mint is one of the best ingredients to add to your morning smoothie. Mint promotes digestion and it has healing properties. Even if you add just a few leaves of fresh mint, it will give your morning smoothie a unique flavor that you will definitely like. You can also use frozen mint, if you don’t have the fresh one.

2. Ginger

Since ginger increases the absorption of essential nutrients in the body, using it in your morning smoothie will help you reap all the wonderful health benefits your smoothie has. Ginger speeds up your metabolism and helps reduce bloating and relieve stomach pains. Ginger is one of the healthiest ingredients to add to any morning smoothie.

3. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper
Perhaps, this is the most unexpected ingredient to add to your morning smoothie. In fact, it’s always great to mix up the flavors in your morning smoothies and cayenne pepper may come in handy. You can use cayenne pepper in water based smoothies and green smoothies. Cayenne pepper helps increase your circulation, speed up your metabolism and improve your digestion. However, make sure you avoid the seeds.

4. Pure vanilla

Pure vanilla
If you don’t like the taste of a green smoothie, try adding pure vanilla to it and you’ll feel the difference. Not only will vanilla make your morning smoothie more delicious, but it will also make your smoothie much healthier. Vanilla boasts plenty of amazing health benefits. It helps fight stress and reduce anxiety and it helps regulate the menstrual cycle. So if you have irregular periods, consider using pure vanilla in your smoothies.

5. Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts
Using cashew nuts in a morning smoothie is especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Cashew nuts are high in the monounsaturated fats which can help promote healthy triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels can raise your risk of heart disease, so adding a few unsalted cashew nuts to your morning smoothie could be a lifesaver. You can also add a little cashew butter, but make sure it doesn’t contains any additives. Since cashew nuts are high in calories, don’t use too much of them, unless you are trying to gain weight.

6. Cinnamon

Add sweetness to your morning smoothie without any calories by using cinnamon. Cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. If you are going to add plenty of spinach or kale to your morning smoothie, add a little bit of cinnamon to your smoothie to make it tastier and more flavorful. Since cinnamon has a very strong taste, I don’t recommend you to use too much of it.

7. Ground flaxseeds

Ground flaxseeds
Although whole flaxseeds are great ingredients for many smoothies, I recommend you to use ground flaxseeds in your morning smoothie. Ground flaxseeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, so it’s perfect for people who are trying to boost their fiber intake. Start by adding only half a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds to your morning smoothie and build up to a tablespoon. Both whole and ground flaxseeds help lower the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

8. Chia seeds

Chia seeds
Another healthy and delicious ingredient for your morning smoothie is chia seeds. Chia seeds are high in omega fatty acids as well as iron, fiber, protein, and zinc. They reduce food cravings, lower blood pressure and help you stay hydrated. Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals, premature aging and cancer.

9. Raw cocoa nibs

Raw cocoa nibs
Unrefined, raw cocoa nibs are perfect for a morning smoothie. They are rich in magnesium, iron, powerful antioxidants and flavonoids. Raw cocoa nibs taste yummy and they will add great flavor and complexity to your morning smoothie in a jiff.

10. Bee pollen

Bee pollen
Bee pollen is probably a new ingredient for your morning smoothie, but it’s a really healthy smoothie ingredient. Bee pollen is high in protein, carotenes, B complex, lecithin, and vitamins C, D, E. It improves general well-being and helps prevent numerous illnesses. Just make sure you add a little bit of bee pollen to your smoothie.
A morning smoothie is quick and easy to make and it’s a healthy and nutritious breakfast. If you don’t have some ingredients, get creative and add something you like or have at home. You can use your favorite fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, the possibilities are really endless. What’s your favorite morning smoothie?

8 Healthy and Delicious Types of Bread for Weight Loss

Healthy and Delicious Types of Bread for Weight Loss
If you’re trying to drop weight, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid eating bread. Thankfully, there are a few healthy and delicious types of bread for weight loss. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, bread complements any meal and it makes it harder to avoid eating bread. These types of bread are not only good for people who are trying to lose weight, but also for those who are trying to eat healthier. It’s time to switch to the healthier types of bread in order to shed pounds and get in the best shape of your life.

1. Flaxseed bread

Have you ever tried flaxseed bread? It’s a fantastic bread for weight loss and it’s an excellent source of manganese, potassium and selenium. Flaxseed bread also contains essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and phytoestrogens that will help boost your health and get your dream body. Flaxseed bread will fuel your body with only healthy things.

2. Rye bread

Rye bread is definitely one of the healthiest types of bread that you can eat daily without worrying about calories. Rye bread is absolutely wheat-free, and it can help relieve discomfort and bloating. Rye bread contains 20% fewer calories and 4 times the fiber than regular white bread. Consuming rye bread will keep you fuller longer without adding calories.

3. Oat bread

If you want to reduce you carbohydrate intake and you watch your fat content, opt for oat bread instead of regular white bread. Oat bread is a wonderful source of good carbohydrates that are much slower to digest and that make you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

4. Ezekiel bread

Another healthy type of bread for weight loss is Ezekiel bread, which consists of barley, wheat, lentils, beans, spelt and millet. Ezekiel bread is high in protein and contains 18 amino acids. It has increased digestibility, increased absorption of minerals and many amazing benefits. Moreover, Ezekiel bread doesn’t contain added sugar.

5. Whole-wheat pita bread

Whole-wheat pita bread is the healthiest type of pita bread since it’s made with whole grains and contains lots of vitamins and minerals. Whole-wheat pita bread boasts a few powerful health benefits – it helps reduce your risk of cholesterol and high blood sugar. Whole-wheat pita bread contains less calories than whole wheat bread since you usually use one piece of pita bread instead of 2 pieces of regular bread to make your healthy sandwich.

6. Whole-wheat bread

Although whole-wheat bread is a healthy type of bread you can eat daily, it can be difficult to find the right whole-wheat bread. Just because some companies label their breads with ‘wheat flour’ and ‘wheat’ doesn’t necessarily mean that you buy the whole wheat bread. Before buying any whole-wheat bread, make sure you read the ingredient list.

7. Brown rice bread

Brown rice bread is also perfect for weight loss. It keeps you full, energetic, and it’s low in calories and sugar. Try eating brown rice bread with butter and fresh vegetables or low fat cheese. If you stick to a very strict diet, consider having steamed or boiled vegetables with a few pieces of brown rice bread.

8. Gluten-free bread

Even though a gluten-free bread is a must for people who stick to a gluten-free diet, it’s also perfect for those who are trying to lose weight or simply want to eat healthier. Gluten-free breads are healthier than the regular white breadі, but many of them are processed so make sure you buy a whole grain gluten-free bread.
Giving up bread can be a painful process for both you and your body, so don’t exclude bread from your diet. Consider eating some of these healthy and delicious types of bread for weight loss to feel better and look better. What are your favorite types of bread?

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Increased skin brightness Aloe withdraw the body from toxic substances cleaning the inside of the body. Which comes glowing skin and al...