Tuesday 2 September 2014

Ebola in India: Are there any natural remedies for the virus?

Is there a natural cure for EbolaThere are a number of bogus natural cures for  Ebola doing the rounds, but the only thing that these rumours have done is to cause the disease to spread further. A recent news report stated that the Ebola virus would never have spread to Sierra Leone, had it not been for one herbalist claiming that she can cure the disease. Her claims caused large numbers of people, suffering from the disease, to travel to the region in the hopes of getting cured. While she died due to the infection, her claims  led to the spread of the disease. So, to set the record straight, here are 5 reasons herbal or natural remedies will not help cure you of an infection due to the Ebola virus.
It is caused by a virus
Virus are organisms that have the ability to mutate and adapt very quickly, to medications, atmospheric conditions and other changes. This is one of the reasons that researchers find it extremely difficult to find a cure for infections caused due to viruses. This is the reason that there is no cure for the common cold; caused due to a virus, the ailment cannot be cured and only the symptoms can be treated. While there are natural remedies to relieve the symptoms of other viral conditions, the important thing to remember here is that these remedies only help to lessen the intensity of the symptoms (for example, in the case of a cold and cough you may have ginger and honey to help reduce a sore throat) but they, in NO way, can cure you of the disease.
Ebola infection spreads and kills too quickly
Once a person is infected with the virus, its incubation period (the time between the first contact with the virus to the time when it shows symptoms) is anywhere between 2 to 21 days. After which it is known to kill a person within approximately 7 days – making it an extremely fast moving virus. This property makes it highly unlikely that any natural remedy or home remedy would help stop the virus, because most natural remedies take a while to show results and with the speed of the viral spread, no natural remedy can help.
Natural remedies might make the condition worse
There have been studies that show that some natural remedies and medicines exert a certain amount of load on a person’s kidneys and liver. This excessive pressure on the working of these organs can make the condition worse. Another point to consider is the fact that upon infection, the virus debilitates the working of the liver in order to survive. Therefore, if one does use natural remedies to try and recover from the condition they may end up causing further damage to their organs.
Strengthening your immune system won’t help
The Ebola virus is extremely potent and is known to infect even those with a robust immune system. Therefore using common remedies to help improve your immune system will not help. While you can take precautions and stay in good health, trying to cure the condition with natural remedies (like tulsi) will not help. (Read more: Latest Ebola News: Has the Ebola virus really come to India?
No scientific study to prove that natural remedies work
There are a number of myths about things that might work to help keep the infection at bay, or help cure the disease, but there is no scientific data to prove their efficacy.
Finally, the Ebola virus is definitely something to worry about, but as the virus has not yet affected India, there is no need to panic. If you do notice the symptoms please do visit a doctor immediately. Do not fall for false information doing the rounds.

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